"Every day a vegan saves (approximately): 2,8m² (square-metres) of forest, 3785 liters of water, 20 kilograms of grains, 9 kilograms of CO2 and an animals life" - Greenpeace
Why vegan:
Typical arguments against veganism and my answers to them:
"We have eaten meat for thousands of years" - Just because humans have done something for a long time does not make it right. The trade of slaves went on for thousands of years. Fortunatly people realised at some point that it is totally wrong and stopped it. So why get stuck in patterns without questioning them? Furthermore you should take in account that in most nativetribes, for every animal that was killed, they begged for permission from their gods.
"Eating a vegan diet leads to malnutrition" - Generally speaking I would this say this isn't true. You can get nutritional deficiencies in every diet. It is important to learn about nutrition in every diet, but especially being a vegan it is a good idea to collect some useful knowledge.
Vitamins and minerals you should supplement in my opinion: Vitamin B12, Omega 3 (algae-oil), Iodine and Selenium. Irrespectively from your diet it is recommended to take a Vitamon D3 supplement, at least from october to march. Read more on my blog.
"Other animals eat meat too" Lions for examples hunt the food they eat. But lions don't have an understanding of morality, neither does he kill more than he needs to. Evolutionary speaking lions are total meat eaters. Their fangs and digestive system are made for meat. Humans on the other side have big back teeth for chewing plants. Also the human digestive track is made for plants. Another interesting aspect is that humans can't produce Vitamin C (an important vitamin for the immune system) on their own, which means we have to get by eating plants.
"Vegans are destroying the rain forest" Read more about that topic here.
"Plants have feelings too" Scientifically speaking this actually isn't really true. Unlike humans and animals plants don't have a central nervous system, which means they don't have feelings like we do. Another aspect is that plants produce (for example an apple) for others to eat them. And if you harvest them, the plant doesn't die.
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Jonas Fritz (Samstag, 23 Januar 2021 13:06)
What do you think about fruitflys, mosquitos or moths?
Best wishes